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Board of Directors

Mark Lourenco - President/Director

Mark Lourenco founded the Christian Hope Project along with Frank Humel in 2013. Mark has a degree in Criminal Justice and is currently working as a lieutenant in the Downtown Area Command with the Las Vegas Metrop0litan Police Department. He has been employed by LVMPD since 1997. Mark serves at his local church. He has been  married to Leona for the last 25 years and has eight beautiful children.

Frank Humel - Vice-president/Director

Frank Humel founded the Christian Hope Project along with Mark Lourenco in 2013. Frank has a Master's degree in Education and is currently working as a sergeant in the Backgrounds Section of the Las Vegas Metrop0litan Police Department. He has been employed by LVMPD since 2008. Frank serves in his local church and is married with four beautiful children.

Joe Lourenco - Treasurer/Director

Joe Lourenco has been a partner at Western Casework since 2003 where he has been employed for over 20 years. Joe is a dedicated member of the Las Vegas community and has served on the board of directors for Calvary Chapel Lone Mountain church and Harvest Life Christian Fellowship church. Joe serves as an elder in his local church and is married with three beautiful children.

Ramone Brown - Secretary/Director

Ramone Brown has been employed by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department since 2007 and currently works as a Patrol Detective in the Downtown Area. He has been involved in several projects to address the plight of the homeless in Downtown Las Vegas. Ramone has also served six years in the United States Air Force; he is married with four beautiful children and is an active member in his church. 

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The Christian Hope Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to  the extent allowed by law.

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